Chinese SC12 Student Cluster Team Takes LINPACK Crown

Dan Olds from Gabriel Consulting writes that the NUDT team from China came away with the fastest LINPACK score at the SC12 Student Cluster Competition.

Salt Lake City is abuzz with the news that China’s NUDT team has once again snared the LINPACK crown at a student cluster competition. Their record-breaking score of 3.014 TFLOP/s topped their competitors and marked the first time a student cluster team has broken through the 3 TFLOP/s barrier. This is the second LINPACK win in less than a year for NUDT – they took this award at the ISC’12 competition in Hamburg as well. Teams from China took both of the top slots, followed by Team Longhorn at 2.488 TFLOP/s.

Team Longhorn from the University of Texas at Austin won the overall competition this year, but I think all these kids are winners. The 26 amps they get to work with is not a lot of power for an HPC cluster, so achieving this kind of performance is truly remarkable. Read the Full Story and check out Dan’s full coverage of the competition.


  1. So call me a dolt…but NUDT got ~2.8TF with 13A at the ISC’12 student cluster challenge. I would think that with the double the amperage they would get more TFs…