Colfax and Mellanox Introduce Hadoop Appliance

This week Colfax unveiled the joint demonstration of a high performance Hadoop appliance over Mellanox end-to-end FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand solution during SC12 at the Mellanox booth.

Colfax’s Hadoop appliance provides users with the best in class performance and ease of use in one consolidated solution. Featuring IntelXeon E5 processor based servers and Mellanox FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand, it provides the needed throughput required for highest performance analytical tools based on the Apache Hadoop framework. The appliance approach provides customers a fast and trouble-free entry to the Hadoop analytics market. Scalability and performance are kept on a linear growth path, enabling customers to build various sized clusters.

Colfax Hadoop appliance will help customers overcome the perception that the big data analytics technology is hard to deploy and achieve business value,” says Gautam Shah, CEO of Colfax International. “With an ideal balance of performance, scalability and price, the Colfax Hadoop appliance enables organizations to overcome the barriers to big data analytics, providing a perfect platform to extract the most value from their data.”

Mellanox’s Unstructured Data Accelerator (UDA) enhances the Hadoop appliance performance by nearly 50 percent, providing data analysts with near real-time processing power. UDA brings RDMA capabilities into the Hadoop framework, enabling efficient data transfer and lower CPU overhead. The UDA package is an open source plug-in tool to the Apache Hadoop Map Reduce frame work.

Colfax and Mellanox will demonstrate the Hadoop appliance at SC12 in the Mellanox booth #1531. Read the Full Story.


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