Complete Listing Shows Exascale Topics Galore at SC12

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Over at The Exascale Report, Mike Bernhardt caught up with SC12 Technical Program Chair, Rajeev Thakur, to give us a summary of the many exascale topic discussions included in this year’s program.

The upcoming SC12 conference in Salt Lake City, Nov. 10–16, offers the HPC community the opportunity to participate in numerous events related to exascale. Listed below are no less than 75 events that explicitly mention exascale or extreme scale in the title or abstract! In addition, the SC12 program includes many other events that implicitly relate to exascale. The SC12 exhibit hall will also showcase numerous companies and research organizations promoting their latest products and technologies, many of which will be important in the development of future extreme-scale systems. In addition, a satellite event, not part of the official SC12 program, will offer a workshop organized by funding agencies from several countries on early results of the G8 exascale projects.

Download the Story (PDF) to get a complete listing (with links) of Exascale sessions at SC12.


  1. Wow, 75 events is a lot.