Eurotech Launches Hybrid Supercomputer Aurora Tigon at SC12

This week Eurotech added the new Tigon to its line of Aurora supercomputers at SC12. Like its animal counterpart, the Aurora Tigon is a hybrid, powerful and agile in adapting to customer requirements.

Energy efficiency and Green IT have always been paramount for us, “says Giovanbattista Mattiussi, Eurotech HPC marketing manager. “We can now say that Eurotech provides determinant help to our customers in cutting energy costs and improving their HPC investment TCO. We are a quality driven hardware manufacturer and include in our design monitoring systems and redundancy to guarantee maximum reliability.”

Each Tigon node hosts 2 Intel Xeon E5 series CPUs and 2 accelerators that can be either 2 Nvidia Kepler GPUs or 2 Intel Phi coprocessors, giving a peak performance of 2.74 TFlop/s. The accelerators are connected to the mother board through a Eurotech-designed cable that set up a PCIe2 (moving to PCIe3) connection. They are mounted on the rear site of the “cold plate” allowing for very effective cooling. An Aurora Tigon rack has 128 of such nodes, bringing one rack performance to 350 TFlop/s, with each single rack occupying just 1.5 m 2. This density is possible thanks to the Aurora Direct Hot Water Cooling system, found throughout the Eurotech generation of supercomputers.

Visit the Tigon at the Eurotech booth #1909 at SC12. Read the Full Story.