First Russian-Built Supercomputer in the U.S. powers up at Stony Brook

Stony Brook University in New York has powered up the first Russian-built supercomputer ever deployed in the United States. Built by T-Platforms, the 2.5 Teraflop V-Class system will be used to develop new super-hard materials, with special electronic and optical properties, and materials for supercapacitors and batteries to store energy.

Western markets are of strategic importance to T-Platforms. Our German office is engaged in system and software research activities, with leading supercomputer centers including Leibnitz Rechenzentrum, Juelich Supercomputer Center, and CSC. Now, with the SBU deal in place, we have taken our first step in bringing Russian supercomputer technologies to the U.S. market,” says Vsevolod Opanasenko, CEO of T-Platforms.

Read the Full Story.


  1. Ilya Alekseyev says

    Hmm…. In full story 2.5 TFlops…. Where is mistake?

  2. Nikita Burtsev says

    Their press-release actually says its 2.5 TFlops. Quite a typo =)