Intel Researchers Win Best Paper at SC12

Intel scientists have received a “best paper” award at SC12 for research into more efficient processing for a fundamental calculation in HPC. , entitled A Framework for Low-Communication 1-D FFT, the paper describes a framework that can be twice as fast as leading FFT libraries on state-of-the-art computer clusters.

In this paper, we present a mathematical framework from which many single-all-to-all and easy-to-implement 1-D FFT algorithms can be derived. For large-scale problems, our implementation can be twice as fast as leading FFT libraries on state-of-the-art computer clusters. Moreover, our framework allows tradeoff between accuracy and performance, further boosting performance if reduced accuracy is acceptable.

Congratulations go out authors Ping Tak Peter Tang, Jongsoo Park, Daehyun Kim, and Vladimir Petrov. Download the paper (PDF).

A Tip of the Hat goes to GPU Science for pointing us to this story.