Interview: Buddy Bland on How the #1 Titan Supercomputer will Power Science


In this video, Buddy Bland from Oak Ridge National Laboratory describes the new Titan supercomputer, which just came in at #1 on the TOP500. As a hybrid system, Titan derived 100 percent of its LINPACK performance from NVIDIA K20X accelerators.

We were able to get a 10x improvement on our LINPACK score versus what we got with Jaguar three years ago for only 19 percent more power. So that’s a big win. And that carries over to the many applications also. We will see a big improvement in the performance with only a minor increase in the total power that’s being used. And we have to do that as we move to the Exascale machines that we’ll be building in the future.”


  1. Quoss P Wimblik says

    AMD and NVIDIA must be happy as you’ve out flopped the now number 2 I suspect you get a good bit more single precision flops. Personally I reckon I could use up all this power with a few students and my high dimensional math art but I suspect you’ll get more efficiency than I get with some real science.
    A little prediction of mine is that you guys will trade with accuracy a lot more in the chips in order to get good solid biological simulations in the future at exascale.