OpenACC on a Roll with Growing Developer Tool Support

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Today the OpenACC standards group announced growing support for OpenACC-supported development tools, and initial results from programmers who have been using the recently-released OpenACC compilers to accelerate research.

Using PGI’s OpenACC compiler, we ported a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application benchmark to a general purpose GPU-based system,” reported NASA researchers in an upcoming research paper. “OpenACC is a much easier way to accelerate applications than other programming approaches, and we saw an immediate speed up of the benchmark on multiple tests, up to 10X faster compared with a single CPU core-based system.”

I met with members of the OpenACC standards group last week and it is clear to me that Directives are simply a much more efficient way to port codes to accelerators, especially on massive hybrid systems like the Titan Cray XK7.

As evidenced in this SC12 Show Guide, OpenACC will be all over the SC12 show floor next week. Be sure to check out the OpenACC tutorials and BoFs as well as demos from CAPS, PGI, and Rogue Wave. Read the Full Story.


  1. […] the average HPC workload is often memory or network bound. And especially as new technologies like OpenACC gain developer support and make it easier to program GPUs as well as other many-core processors, […]