OpenACC Version 2.0 Specification Posted for Comment

The OpenACC standards group has posted a draft of the new OpenACC Version 2.0 specification at the SC12 Conference. With new controls over data movement including better handling of unstructured data, the new version allows for superior performance in parallelizing code and an improved developer experience.

OpenACC is an open standard designed to be easy to use, and performance portable across multiple architectures,” said Duncan Poole, President of OpenACC. “Our goal is to provide the developer ecosystem with a comprehensive and robust model for portable accelerator programming. We look forward to incorporating public feedback into this draft as well as features new to accelerators, such as dynamic parallelism, in the final version.”

As evidenced in this SC12 Show Guide, OpenACC will be all over the SC12 show floor this week. Be sure to check out the OpenACC tutorials and BoFs as well as demos from CAPSPGI, and Rogue Wave.