PRACE Awards Record Number of Core Hours

The 5th PRACE Regular Call for Proposals, which opened on 17 April 2012 and closed on 30 May 2012, received 80 applications for time on one or more of the six Tier-0 PRACE systems offered. Of those applications, a record-breaking 57 withstood the in-depth scrutiny of the peer review process and were awarded the core hours needed to perform their research. The project allocation is as follows:

  • Heavy ion phenomenology form lattice simulations by Szabolcs Borsanyi of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) received 91.791.360 core hours on Juqueen, Germany.
  • SHAKEIT – Physics-based evaluation of seismic shaking in Northern Italy by Andrea Morelli of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy) received 53.4 million core hours on SuperMUC, Germany.
  • ENSING – Euler and Navier-Stokes SINGularities by Sergio Pirozzoli of the Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy) received 50 million core hours on Fermi, Italy.
  • HiResClim: High Resolutions Climate Modeling by Colin Jones of the Swedish Metereological and hydrological Institute (SMHI, Sweden) received 38 million core hours on MareNostrum at BSC, Spain.
  • Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of nucleation by Jürg Diemand of the University of Zürich (Switzerland) received 35.3 million core hours on Hermit, Germany.
  • Electrophysiology – Atomistic modeling by Mounir Tarek of CNRS – Université de Lorraine (France) received 28 million core hours on Curie, France.

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