From Robots to Supercomputers – The Georgia Tech Holiday Gift Guide

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Are you looking for the perfect gift for the HPC folks in your life? Georgia Tech has stepped up with a Gift Guide that has something for anyone who absolutely loves technology.

Keeneland Supercomputing System. What is it? Only the most powerful GPU supercomputer dedicated to NSF scientific research. Keeneland can do circles around your local cloud cluster; it delivers sustained performance of over a quarter of a PetaFLOP (one quadrillion calculations per second). It runs on a sweet peak 615 teraflop HP Proliant SL250-based computer, pimped out with 264 nodes, each having two Intel Sandy Bridge processors and three NVIDIA M2090 GPU accelerators for blazing speed, 32 GB of host memory that provide tableside service and a Mellanox InfiniBand FDR interconnection network. All that’s missing are cup holders.

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