John Shaff, one of our celebrated Rock Stars of HPC, has been appointed CTO at NERSC. Shalf will also continue to serve in his current role as head of the Computer and Data Sciences Department in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division (CRD).
NERSC is the primary HPC facility for scientific research sponsored by theDOE’s Office of Science. As Chief Technology Officer, Shalf will help NERSC develop a plan to achieve exascale performance.
A key goal of DOE’s exascale program is to develop high performance scientific computers that deliver a thousand times the performance of today’s most powerful computers at all scales, while using less than twice the power, by the end of the next decade. The demands of energy efficiency are driving deep changes that will change the way we do computing at all scales, not just exascale. NERSC will take an active role to work with industry as a public/private partnership to guide HPC designs and bring the DOE user community along in this time of great transition.”
Read the Full Story.