Over at the VMware CTO Office, Josh Simons has posted some eye-opening predictions for 2013 in the areas of Cloud HPC, RDMA in the Cloud, Virtual Machine Evolution, Accelerators, Interconnects, and HPC acquisitions.
This coming year will herald the beginning of much broader use of public clouds for running HPC workloads. This is in part because big players like Amazon (Cluster Compute), Google (Compute Engine), and Microsoft (Big Compute) are all now catering to HPC workloads with their cloud offerings. But a few large players do not an ecosystem make. It is much more interesting — and revealing — to see small companies like Bitbrains in the Netherlands and EngineRoom.io in Australia using virtualized cloud infrastructure to offer not just compute cycles, but a full range of tuning and other services to enable effective and successful use of cloud for HPC workloads.
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