Resch: Bill Kramer is Right–Procuring Supers for TOP500 Status Hurts Users

Over at the ISC Blog, HLRS Director Michael Resch concurs with NCSA’s Bill Kramer on the pitfalls of the TOP500, but he says the List is not the one to blame.

Centers will have to change. Continuing to make the mistakes that Bill has kindly pointed out will make users go away and hence in the long term will severely harm those centers which still buy systems for a high TOP500 ranking. However, those who keep improving the services for their users and keep working on workflows and applications will have a really good chance to survive. Knowing that Bill Kramer’s NCSA is a strong supporter of such a user driven approach and that countries like China, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore follow in this trail I look forward to exciting times for HPC.

Great stuff! Read the Full Story.