ATK Aerospace Accelerates Simulations with Panasas

Today Panasas announced that ATK (Alliant Techsystems, Inc.), has standardized on Panasas ActiveStor to help power its demanding research and product performance simulation processes. ATK is the world’s top producer of rocket propulsion systems and a leading supplier of military and commercial aircraft structures.

It is crucial that ATK engineers use state-of-the art systems in order to support our research and product design applications at the highest levels of performance and uptime,” said Ramesh Krishnan, senior staff engineer, engineering process and tools at ATK Aerospace. “Panasas ActiveStor speeds our design and simulation processes, saving us significant time and money.”

According to Panasas, ActiveStor delivers high performance and massive scalable capacity for ATK’s design work flows, including: combustion modeling, computational fluid dynamics, mechanical design and flight simulation, all within a single, unified global namespace. Read the Full Story.