Today Fraunhofer in Germany announced a new release of the FhGFS parallel file system with major performance and HA improvements. Available as a free download, FhGFS features a distributed metadata architecture designed to provide the scalability and flexibility required to run today’s most demanding HPC applications.
Many of the improvements result in a significant increase in performance and scalability, especially in terms of metadata operations. In benchmarks performed with the beta release, a single metadata server could create about 35.000 files per second and by using 20 metadata servers to distribute the load, it was possible to achieve file creation rates of over 500.000 operations per second. These and other benchmarking results were shown at SC12 in Salt Lake City.
FhGFS adds an important capability by introducing on-the-fly replication of file contents and metadata with this major release. With this step towards built-in high availability, FHGFS is moving towards an enterprise-grade parallel file system. Read the Full Story or check out the release document.