Interview: GPU-Accelerated Life Sciences at Beckman Coulter

Over at the Nvidia Developer Zone, Calisa Cole interviews Bob Zigon of Beckman Coulter, a company that develops, manufactures and markets products that simplify and automate complex biomedical testing. Zigon is working on a working on a prototype of a new CUDA-based application that will calculate the molar mass, gross shape and size distribution of protein samples by way of analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC). The application is currently 120 times faster than existing software.

CUDA and Tesla are disruptive technologies. When they are applied to our problems we are capable of returning answers to clinicians and researchers in a fraction of a second. This causes people to change the way they interact with the data. I’ve seen this behavioral change repeatedly over the last three years. Instead of looking at the data from 100,000 white blood cells, researchers can now manipulate five million cells.

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