Over at Datacenter Knowledge, Intel’s Winston Saunders looks at how the most recent Top500 and Green500 machines stack up in terms of Exascalar, the “logarithmic distance” to 1018 flops in a 20 MegaWatt power envelope.
The November 2012 Exascalar (Performance-Efficiency Scalar) Top 10 list is shown below. The biggest change is at the top of the list, the new DPE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory system with a best-ever Exascalar of 2.22. Since Exascalar is logarithmic, this equates to about a factor of 166 from the Exascalar goals in efficiency and performance. In June 2012, the peak Exascalar was 2.26, about a 10 percent improvement from the June 2012 list.
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