Winston Saunders on Exascalar Progress in 2012

Over at Datacenter Knowledge, Intel’s Winston Saunders looks at how the most recent Top500 and Green500 machines stack up in terms of Exascalar, the “logarithmic distance” to 1018 flops in a 20 MegaWatt power envelope.

The November 2012 Exascalar (Performance-Efficiency Scalar) Top 10 list is shown below. The biggest change is at the top of the list, the new DPE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory system with a best-ever Exascalar of 2.22. Since Exascalar is logarithmic, this equates to about a factor of 166 from the Exascalar goals in efficiency and performance. In June 2012, the peak Exascalar was 2.26, about a 10 percent improvement from the June 2012 list.

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