C-DAC Launches Fastest Supercomputer in India

This week C-DAC launched the fastest supercomputer in India. The PARAM Yuva – II supercomputer is a hybrid system designed to solve large and complex computational problems and will provide an opportunity for new scientific endeavors for the regional research community.

We are proud to be able to deliver India’s first 500 TF supercomputer through C-DAC,” said Prof Rajat Moona, Director General at C-DAC.”

With 360.8 Teraflops on the LINPACK benchmark, the Yuva supercomputer would hace stood at #62 on the current TOP500 list. In terms of power efficiency, it is better than most supercomputing systems and would have achieved 33rd position in the most recent Green500.

What makes the system novel is the system interconnect, which is comprised of home grown PARAMNet-III plus Infiniband FDR technologies. Read the Full Story.