This week Indiana University announced it has received a $1.1 million federal grant to develop faster supercomputer software. The Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies will use the funding from the DoE to increase the technology’s speed and programmability. The funding is part of a $7.05 million grant for the XPRESS (eXascale PRogramming Environment and System Software) project, led by Sandia National Laboratories as part of the DOE Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research X-Stack program.
IU created the CREST program in 2011 as part of the Pervasive Technology Institute to pioneer research at the frontiers of exascale computing. Two of supercomputing’s foremost thinkers, Andrew Lumsdaine and Thomas Sterling, both professors in the School of Informatics and Computing at IU Bloomington, lead CREST as director and associate director, respectively. Sterling also serves as CREST chief scientist.
We’re writing software that moves execution from static to dynamic, allowing supercomputers to use new information as it is being revealed,” said Sterling, chief scientist on the project. “By doing so, supercomputers will ‘think’ about how they use their resources, as well as where and when they schedule various concurrent tasks.”
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