Thomas Sterling Presents: Towards the Exascale Target – the Arrow in Flight

In this video from the 2013 National HPCC Conference, Dr. Thomas Sterling from Indiana University presents: Towards the Exascale Target – the Arrow in Flight.

The preceding year has witnessed a strong impetus towards the ultimate US achievement of practical exascale computing through the initiation of research and development programs. There are two trajectories in flight toward this ambitious target in the US, both guided principally by the DOE through an important partnership between the NNSA and the OS/ASCR. One, the incremental flight path through a series of successive petascale systems, is building on step-wise extensions of conventional practices for low risk and minimal disruption to ensure continued US capability growth in performing mission-critical applications throughout the remainder of this decade. The second, the advanced course of revolutionary research, has in its target cross hairs a truly general purpose and easily programmed class of exascale systems. This strategy is enabled by a set of principles that transform a once static methodology to a dynamic adaptive paradigm to advance efficiency and scalability while exhibiting a far more programmable user interface. This presentation will review the important strides made over the last year and describe the significant accomplishments that have been achieved under the guidance of the DOE leadership in establishing key programs that will maintain US competitiveness internationally and leadership at home.


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