Video: EUDAT and Big Data in Science

In this video from the 2013 National HPCC Conference, Wolfgang Gentzsch presents: EUDAT and Big Data in Science.

Big data science emerges as a new paradigm for scientific discovery that reflects the increasing value of observational, experimental and computer-generated data in virtually all domains, from physics to the humanities and social sciences. Addressing this new paradigm, the EUDAT project is a European data initiative that brings together a unique consortium of 25 partners — including research communities, national data and high performance computing (HPC) centers, technology providers, and funding agencies — from 13 countries. EUDAT aims to build a sustainable cross-disciplinary and cross-national data infrastructure that provides a set of shared services for accessing and preserving research data. The design and deployment of these services is being coordinated by multi-disciplinary task forces comprising representatives from research communities and data centers.”

View the slides on Slideshare.