Video: Hands-on Training: Know Your Cluster Bottlenecks and Maximize Performance

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference, Dan Waxman from Mellanox provides a hands-on training for InfiniBand entitled: Hands-on Training: Know Your Cluster Bottlenecks and Maximize Performance.

Depending on the application of the user’s system, it may be necessary to modify the default configuration of the network adapters and the system/chipset configuration. This slide deck describes common tuning parameters, settings & procedures that can improve performance of the network adapter. Different Server & NIC vendors may have different recommendations for the values to be set – but the general tuning approach should be similar. For the hands-on demo we will utilize Mellanox ConnectX adapters – thus we will implement the recommended settings issued by Mellanox.

Download the Slides (PDF).