NICS, Adaptive Computing, and Intel: Leadership in HPC

In this video from Moabcon 2013, Troy Baer presents: NICS, Adaptive Computing, and Intel: Leadership in HPC.

An Appro Xtreme-X Supercomputer named Beacon, deployed by the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) of the University of Tennessee, tops the current Green500 list, which ranks the world’s fastest supercomputers based on their power efficiency. To earn its number-one ranking, the supercomputer employed Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors to produce 112.2 trillion calculations per second using only 44.89 kW of power, resulting in world-record efficiency of 2.499 billion floating point operations per second per watt.”

Read the Full Story or View the Slides on Slideshare. For more presentations, check out the Moabcon 2013 Video Gallery.