Over at NICS, Scott Jones writes that ORNL took on the challenge of debugging the world’s fastest supercomputer with years of preparation and a little help from Allinea DDT. In fact, when an application containing hundreds of thousands of lines of code is running across 300,000 cores, spotting bugs is tricky business indeed.
Allinea DDT is tightly integrated into the Cray programming environment. We worked with Allinea Software to ensure that,” said Joshua S. Ladd from Oak Ridge. “All you really need to do is load the Allinea DDT module and type ‘ddt’ on the command line to fire up the GUI, and you’re ready to go. And the GUI is just point and click with a mouse.” With this revolutionary tool, researchers can now more easily focus on their scientific goals without worrying about locating bugs across hundreds of thousands lines of code, and the results are beginning to show.
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