In this video from Moabcon 2013, Bill Magro from Intel presents: Productive Parallel Programming for Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors.
View the Slides on Slideshare or check out the Moabcon 2013 Video Gallery.
In this video from Moabcon 2013, Bill Magro from Intel presents: Productive Parallel Programming for Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors.
View the Slides on Slideshare or check out the Moabcon 2013 Video Gallery.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] High performance computing (HPC) systems run workloads to perform complex calculations to get answers to some of humanity’s toughest questions. The output from these calculations can result in game changing and life saving measures. HPC systems are used in ….
In this whitepaper, DDN and NVIDIA invited ESG to interview several of their joint customers that have been running production AI environments to better understand their needs and to confirm the value that DDN and NVIDIA are providing. ESG research sheds light on the rapid rise of AI initiatives among businesses, including how businesses are leveraging AI to create value. Business have been rapidly investing in AI and ML projects because they work.