A Look at Five HPC Buzzwords

Over at the Adaptive Computing Blog, Ian Nate writes that five HPC buzwords are dominating the conversation as of late.

We’ve noticed a rise in the use of Energy-Efficient Computing, especially when it comes to HPC and Datacenter. A key factor in the future of large-scale HPC systems, energy efficiency is emerging as likely a second big obstacle to reaching exascale. The reason is the cost of powering an exascale system is exponentially higher than the current petascale systems, and power isn’t getting any cheaper. As an industry, HPC will have to weigh the benefits, or need, for exascale, versus the cost to house and power such systems. The good news is that many systems in Europe are already thinking green because of the higher energy costs. And, we’re seeing a stronger presence for Green Computing in the United States, with systems like NICS’ Beacon reaching the top of the Green500, a list that has picked up significant steam since its initial release in 2007.

The other buzzwords include Big Data, Exascale, Petascale Race, and HPC Cloud. Read the Full Story.