Slidecast: Teradata Rolls Out Intelligent Memory Technology

In this slidecast, Scott Gnau from Teradata Labs presents: Teradata Intelligent Memory.

The introduction of Teradata Intelligent Memory allows our customers to exploit the performance of memory within Teradata Platforms, which extends our leadership position as the best performing data warehouse technology at the most competitive price,” said Scott Gnau, president, Teradata Labs. “Teradata Intelligent Memory technology is built into the data warehouse and customers don’t have to buy a separate appliance. Additionally, Teradata enables its customers to buy and configure the exact amount of in-memory capability needed for critical workloads. It is unnecessary and impractical to keep all data in memory, because all data do not have the same value to justify being placed in expensive memory.”


How does Intelligent Memory work? This animation video does a good job of making this advanced technology look simple.

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