Here at ISC’13 in Leipzig, Germany. It is easy to see that Unification is a good thing. This week Allinea announced a unification of its own with smart 4.1 Release that lets developers and scientists debug and profile interchangeably.
We’ve noticed fluidity in the workflow. A developer uses Allinea DDT to get the code right, then Allinea MAP to understand its performance, and then flicks back into Allinea DDT to uncover a performance issue’s root cause,” says Mark O’Connor, Allinea’s VP of Product Management. “We wanted to support that.”
Working between Allinea DDT and Allinea MAP is of particular interest to organizations like Cenaero, an applied research center that develops simulation methods and software tools. Last year, it was appointed by the Wallonian Minister of Research to operate a Tier-1 supercomputer, which will extend its current cluster of 3,000 cores to more than 10,000 cores.
With a much larger community of users, particularly academic researchers seeking to further parallelize their codes, we expect the Allinea tools will help us get this new infrastructure to deliver efficient results,” says Serge Bogaerts, HPC and Infrastructure Manager at Cenaero. Bogaerts says Cenaero developers have been very impressed by Allinea DDT. “The time we’ve saved this year has already justified our need for the tool.”
Bogaerts expects the unified interface to help researchers use Allinea MAP as much as they use Allinea DDT. Read the Full Story.