STFC to Develop Hybrid Supercomputer Applications

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) at Daresbury in the U.K. has entered an agreement with Nvidia to help develop software for next-generation hybrid supercomputers.

This agreement combines NVIDIA’s leading-edge GPU accelerator technologies and HPC expertise with STFC’s software development expertise,” said David Corney, acting director of STFC’s Department of Scientific Computing. “This unique combination will enable the development of next-generation massively parallel applications, which will be used for exascale performance levels, or a thousand times more powerful than Blue Joule at STFC, the most powerful computer in the UK today.”

The collaboration will offer scientists access to one of the largest software development laboratories in the world, STFC’s Hartree Centre at Daresbury Laboratory, which is dedicated to modelling and simulation software, as well as to Nvidia’s expertise. Read the Full Story.