Free Webinar: Solving Real-Life Problems with CFD – Parallel Performance of AcuSolve on Cray Systems

Altair and Cray have been collaborating to assess the parallel efficiency of AcuSolve, Altair’s computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver. In this 45-minute webinar, Altair and Cray present the result of their joint effort to fine-tune and test AcuSolve’s performance on Cray systems.

Webinar Date: July 16
Time: 2:00pm

Fluid mechanics applications are known to be one of the most complex and computationally intensive applications in engineering and science. As a result, CFD solvers are required to perform extremely well on large-scale parallel computers to obtain rapid turnaround time in product design. This basic principal has been a foundation in the architecture of AcuSolve.

AcuSolve is built in Cray’s Extreme Scalability Mode (ESM) to achieve maximum performance. In this webinar, speakers from Cray and Altair will discuss the performance and scalability of the solver on the new Cray XC30 system as well as the Cray XE6 supercomputer. The results will then be compared to the solver’s parallel performance on standard clusters having an InfiniBand network.

The speakers will also discuss solving real engineering problem of small and large sizes and will make recommendations on how to achieve maximum performance given the problem size and computational resources.

Who Should Attend:

  • CAE product engineers and designers
  • IT and HPC resources managers
  • Product development managers and directors

Yaser Khalighi – Senior CFD Developer – Altair
Steve Behling – Performance Engineer – Cray

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