From Fusion to Solar Power, DOE Funds 809 Million Core-hours at Argonne

The DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program has awarded 809 million supercomputing core-hours to 13 new projects at Argonne to pursue “high-risk, high-payoff” simulation research in energy-mission areas and national emergency mitigation. The awards will spur research into areas including fusion energy, aqueous ion batteries, fuel cell science, earth-system models, jet engine design, and solar energy.

Chosen through a peer review process, the selected projects reflect areas of special interest to DOE including advancing clean energy; advancing predictive understanding of climate and environmental systems; responding to natural and man-made disasters; and broadening the community of researchers capable of using leadership computing resources.

The Argonne awards are addition to previously-announced to ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) awards for computing time at Oak Ridge and NERSC for a total of 32 projects and 1.6 billion core-hours. Read the Full Story.