Hot Interconnects Announces Speakers for Symposium, August 21-22

The 21st annual Hot Interconnects conference has published their program program agenda. The event will take place August 21-22 at Cisco headquarters in San Jose, California.

If you are interested in Data Center networking, SDN, and interconnection networks for High-Performance Computing, you will not want to miss this symposium! The core of the technical program comprises four paper session with presentations of nine long papers and five short ones, covering a wide spectrum of topics, including Data Center fabrics, Software-Defined Networking, photonic networks, IP lookups, accelerators, and congestion control.

Speakers include:

  • Amin Vahdat, Distinguished Engineer at Google and professor at UCSD, will provide a glimpse of Google’s Software-Defined Data Center WAN design.
  • Thomas Anderson will present his vision of how to enable advanced end-to-end network services.
  • George Papen, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California at San Diego, will reveal the architecture of a hybrid optical/electrical data center network architecture and its prototype control plane implementation.
  • Tom Edsall, CTO at Insieme Networks.
  • Matthew Mattina, CTO Tilera, presenting Tilera’s latest manycore processor.
  • John Kenevey from Facebook and the Open Compute Project.

The last day of the conference will feature tutorials on Big Data, OpenStack, Flow & Congestion Control, and Photonic Networking.

Register now.