In this video from the recent HPC User Forum in Tucson, Alexey Shmelev from RSC presents: HPC Activities and Directions in Russia. Download the slides (PDF) or check out more talks at our HPC User Forum Video Gallery.
At ISC’13, RSC announced that the company has leveraged Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors to nab the best positions in Green500 among Russian and CIS systems for the second time in a row. In addition, three RSC computing clusters rank as most energy-efficient of all Russian HPC systems.
Once again we managed to get such good result in terms of the number of Russian supercomputers at high positions in Green500 thanks to unique experience of RSC specialists in development and deployment of innovative liquid cooled solutions, specifically the high-density energy-efficient HPC systems based on RSC Tornado architecture using standard Intel server boards, high-performance Intel Xeon processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.”, said Alexey Shmelev, Chief Operational Officer, RSC Group.
RSC uses an innovative liquid cooling system in its Tornado architecture to achieve a record PUE level of 1.06 and a computing density of 200 TFLOPS per rack. Read the Full Story.