Video: Is HPC Cloud a Myth or Reality?

In this video from MoabCon 2013, Nick Ihli of Adaptive Computing presents: The Bigfoot in the Room — Is HPC Cloud a Myth or Reality?

The topic of Cloud in HPC continues to interest us as it would marry our two product suites. The topic still continues to polarizing, but in the past year, more and more customers are beginning to ask question about HPC Cloud and how we will approach bringing HPC Cloud into reality. But what is HPC Cloud? How do you define it? Is it actually going to be of use in high performance computing, or is it just a myth, something people talk about, claim they need, but will never actually use the technology. What challenges still need solving for HPC Cloud to make sense? Come discover how we see HPC Cloud and how we would approach it based on those customer requirements gathered throughout the last year. Bring your use cases, bias, personal opinions, and site requirements to an interactive discussion on whether this bigfoot is real or just another myth.

For more presentation videos from MoabCon, check out the Adaptive Computing YouTube Channel.