Video: NERSC’s Experience with TORQUE and Moab

In this video from MoabCon 2013, Jay Srinivasan details his experience as an Adaptive Computing customer using TORQUE and Moab at NERSC.

NERSC supports a range of computational resources for the DOE Office of Science mission. These include a Cray XE-6, a Cray XC-30 and several Infiniband based mid-range computing platforms including a Xeon-Phi based cluster. In addition, we run a cluster that hosts multiple compute workloads utilizing a custom “chroot” based mechanism to present several different O/S environments to the user. We utilize Moab and Torque to schedule user workload on all these resources. Late last year, we upgraded from Torque-2.5/Moab-6 to Torque-4.1/Moab-7 on our mid-range system and earlier this year we installed the XC-30 with an external Moab/Torque using both fairshare and priority based backfill scheduling. We are also investigating using the latest version of Moab/Torque on the Xeon Phi cluster. This talk will present our experiences with the upgrade of Torque/Moab to the latest version, along with several lessons learned. We also will present results on how the external Torque/Moab on the Cray is setup and runs, some preliminary results on the use of Torque/Moab to schedule workloads on the Xeon Phi system and an overview of how Torque/Moab is setup to run in a user-selectable chrooted environment.

For more presentation videos from MoabCon, check out the Adaptive Computing YouTube Channel.