Cyprus Supercomputer is Most Powerful in East Mediterranean

Over at the Cyprus Mail, Stefanos Evripidou writes that the 30 Teraflop Cy-Tera supercomputer is the most powerful machine in the East Mediterranean. Used as a research tool by more than 100 scientists, the hybrid system is proving to be a powerful tool in various fields including climate science, energy, medicine, fundamental physics, and nano-materials.

In one example, scientists from the University of Cyprus used Cy-Tera to carry out Molecular Dynamics simulations for drug design purposes. The studies of certain proteins, which defend against conditions such as asthma, stroke and heart attack, will contribute to the future design of more effective pharmaceuticals.

The above achievements would not have been possible had it not been for the close collaboration and sharing of expertise between The Cyprus Institute and world leading computational centres such as the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois in the USA ( and the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany ( These partners were instrumental in establishing such an advanced and sustainable computational infrastructure in Cyprus,” said the statement.

Cy-Tera Specifications:

  • 116 twelve-core iDataPlex dx360 M3 compute nodes, 18 of which with dual NVidia M2070 GPUs
  • 48 GB memory per node
  • Total memory 4.7 TBytes
  • 4x QDR Infiniband network for MPI and for I/O to the global GPFS filesystem
  • 300 TBytes of storage

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