DANTE Sets the Pace for Optical Capacity

DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe), a builder and operator of high speed communication infrastructure for research institutions throughout Europe, has achieved the fastest ever rate for implementing multi-terabit optical capacity.

This Guinness World Record was achieved using an Infinera Intelligent Transport Network, featuring the DTN-X packet optical transport networking platform. It was deployed on the GÉANT network, the superfast pan-European data communications infrastructure that interconnects National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), across a long distance link from Vancis in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, to GlobalConnect in Hamburg, Germany.

DANTE managed to install and activate an impressive 8 terabits per second (Tbps) of long haul super-channel optical capacity in just 19 minutes and 1 second after plugging in the first line card. This is enough capacity to simultaneously stream 1.6 million high-definition movies in each direction.

Validation of the achievement was carried out using an EXFO FTB-85100G 100Gbit Ethernet tester and an EXFO FTB-5240S optical spectrum analyser from Livingston, a company that provides and manages test equipment. These key items of equipment offered the breadth of functionality and high degree of repeatability needed to ensure accurate test results.

This announcement follows the news that DANTE has completed a major 2Tbps network upgrade to GÉANT, as reported in the article “Scientific supercomputing in Europe takes step forward.” With more than 1,000 terabytes of data currently passing through GÉANT’s IP backbone each day, the demand for increased speed and efficiency across the e-infrastructure is mounting. To meet data requirements and the need for continuous service, DANTE is renewing 50,000km of GÉANT’s backbone infrastructure and replacing legacy equipment.

This story appears here as part of a cross-publishing agreement with Scientific Computing World.