Registration is now open for the High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) conference, with a charter is to be the premier conference in the world on the confluence of HPC and Embedded Computing, HPEC will be held September 10-12 in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Speakers include:
- Mr. Sanjive Agarwala, TI Fellow & Director of Silicon Development – Performance/Power Envelope
- Mr. Robert Bond, Assistant Division Head, MIT Lincoln Laboratory – Computing Architectures for ISR: Emerging Trends
- Dr. Pradeep Dubey, Intel Fellow & IEEE Fellow – Xeon Phi•Prof. Ashok Krishnamurthy, Ohio State – Simulation as a Service
- Dr. Richard Linderman, Chief Scientist Information Directorate, AFRL & IEEE Fellow -Securing Embedded Systems
- Dr. Robert Lucas, Director Computational Sciences USC ISI – Quantum Computing
- Prof. Michael Stonebraker, MIT CSAIL & ACM Fellow – Big Data
- Dr. Christian Whitchurch, Program Manager, Defense Threat Reduction Agency – Big Data Challenges
See more upcoming HPC conferences on our Featured Events page.