This week Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz dedicated the nation’s first major research facility focused on clean energy grid integration and wide-scale deployment. The new Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) will help manufacturers, utilities, and public and private sector researchers overcome the challenges of integrating clean energy and energy efficiency technologies into today’s energy infrastructure.
Strong partnerships between our national laboratories and America’s private industry, academia, and entrepreneurs will help reduce the effects of climate change, increase the production of clean energy, and accelerate the development of new technologies,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. “The Energy Department has been at the forefront of large scale computation and modeling, and new NREL supercomputing capabilities will support the groundbreaking science and innovation we need to address the effects of global climate change and pave the way to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.”
Moniz and NREL Director Arvizu also today unveiled Peregrine—the newest Energy Department supercomputer. NREL collaborated with HP and Intel to develop an innovative warm-water, liquid-cooled supercomputer. Peregrine will reside in the new ESIF data center, designed to be the world’s most energy-efficient high performance computing data center. Additionally, Peregrine’s petascale computing capability represents the world’s largest computing capability dedicated solely to renewable energy and energy efficiency research.