Intel's new Ivy Bridge platform provides a 37 percent increase in peak performance per rack of the SGI ICE X supercomputer.

Slidecast: SGI Solutions with Intel Xeon E5-2600v2 Processors

In this slidecast, Bill Mannel from SGI presents: SGI Solutions with Intel Xeon E5-2600v2 Processors.

SGI is proud to announce several SGI cluster solutions wins and installations at NASA, Irish Center for High-End Computing (ICHEC), and T-Systems with the Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v2. ICHEC installed 10 racks of SGI ICE X servers with 8,320 cores of the new Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v2 as well as a large 1.7TB UV2000 shared memory system and Intel Xeon Phi processors. This represents a fourfold increase in the computational power available to Irish researchers and has the added benefit of bringing together different computational architectures into a common user environment enabling the most appropriate tool to be used for the problem being addressed.

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