California Study Validates Energy Savings of Asetek Liquid Cooling

A new study by Henry Coles of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has validated the energy-savings potential of Asetek RackCDU liquid cooling technology. Based on a six-month investigation, the study results validate Asetek’s claims of 50% and higher reductions in data center cooling costs with RackCDU D2C.

One surprising result of the study is that substantial savings are achievable by connecting RackCDU to existing chilled water systems,” notes Henry Coles, Program Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “The ability to achieve savings by simply tapping into existing chilled water systems broadens the base of data centers that will find deploying RackCDU attractive.”


The study was the result of collaboration between Intel, Cisco, and Asetek, with research conducted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and sponsored by the California Energy Commission. The study was conducted in the High Performance Computing Facility at LBL using Cisco provided UCS C220 M3 servers equipped with Intel provided Xeon E5 -2690 V2 CPUs and Asetek D2C server coolers in a Cisco rack equipped with an Asetek RackCDU (rack cooling distribution unit) and Server Technology cabinet PDUs.

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