Intel Fosters Research Center for Many-core HPC at ZIB in Berlin

ZIB logoIntel has set up a “Research Center for Many-core High-Performance Computing” at the ZIB institute in Berlin. This center will foster the uptake of current and next generation Intel many- and multicore technology in HPC and big data analytics.

The activities of the “Research Center for Many-core High-Performance Computing” will be focused on enhancing selected workloads with impact on the HPC community to improve their performance and scalability on many-core processor technologies and platform architectures. The selected applications cover a wide range of scientific disciplines including materials science and nanotechnology, atmosphere and ocean flow dynamics, astrophysics, drug design, particle physics and big data analytics. Novel programming models and algorithms will be evaluated for the parallelization of the workloads on many-core processors.

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A Tip of the Hat goes out to Primeur Magazine for pointing us to this story.