Intel is seeking grant proposals for its new Parallel Computing Centers.
We’re seeking like-minded universities, institutions, and labs to collaborate on research that supports the modernization of technical computing applications. This includes research that focuses on modernizing applications to increase parallelism and scalability through optimizations that leverage cores, caches, threads, and vector capabilities of modern microprocessors and coprocessors. Additionally, we’re looking for community members to develop curriculum to equip students, scientists, partners, and computer scientists with the skills to fully realize the capabilities of parallel computing resources. To do so, we created a program – Intel Parallel Computing Centers – that enables us to collaborate to modernize critical applications now and for the future.
I spoke with Intel’s Joe Curley about the program, and he told me that this is just the beginning of a sustained program. The company has already awarded several Intel Parallel Computing Centers with 2-year grant proposals including CINECA, Purdue, TACC, the University of Tennessee, and ZIB in Berlin. At the outset, Intel expects the majority of proposals to be from individual faculties and institutions at the level of 1-2 student researchers, but Intel will also consider multi-PI or multi-university proposals.
Proposal submissions are due December 1, 2013.
Read the Full Story from Intel’s Raj Hazra or Download the RFP.