China’s Tianhe-2 Supercomputer Stays #1 on TOP500 List

Top500LogoThe new TOP500 list is out, and there is not much change to report the top systems remain the same as they were in the last list, which came out in June 2013.

At the #1 spot, the Chinesse Tianhe-2 system continues to dominate with nearly twice the LINPACK performance of its nearest competitor in the USA, the Titan supercomputer at Oak Ridge. Sequoia, an IBM BlueGene/Q system installed at DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is again the No. 3 system. It was first delivered in 2011 and achieved 17.17 Plop/s on the Linpack benchmark.

The U.S. is clearly the leading consumer of HPC systems with 265 of the 500 systems (253 last time). The European share (102 systems compared to 112 last time) is still lower than the Asian share (115 systems, down from 118 last time). Dominant countries in Asia are China with 63 systems (down from 65) and Japan with 28 systems (down from 30). In Europe, UK, France, and Germany, are almost equal with 23, 22, and 20 respectively.

TOP10 November 2013

  1. Tianhe-2 (MilkyWay-2) – TH-IVB-FEP Cluster, Intel Xeon E5-2692 12C 2.200GHz, TH Express-2, Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P. NUDT
  2. Titan – Cray XK7 , Opteron 6274 16C 2.200GHz, Cray Gemini interconnect, NVIDIA K20x. Cray
  3. Sequoia – BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz, Custom. IBM
  4. K computer, SPARC64 VIIIfx 2.0GHz, Tofu interconnect. Fujitsu
  5. Mira – BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60GHz, Custom. IBM
  6. Piz Daint – Cray XC30, Xeon E5-2670 8C 2.600GHz, Aries interconnect , NVIDIA K20x. Cray
  7. Stampede – PowerEdge C8220, Xeon E5-2680 8C 2.700GHz, Infiniband FDR, Intel Xeon Phi. Dell
  8. JUQUEEN – BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.600GHz, Custom Interconnect. IBM
  9. Vulcan – BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.600GHz, Custom Interconnect. IBM
  10. SuperMUC – iDataPlex DX360M4, Xeon E5-2680 8C 2.70GHz, Infiniband FDR. IBM

In all, there are 31 systems with performance greater than a petaflop/s on the list, an increase of five compared to the June 2013 list.

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