OSC’s AweSim Program Brings HPC to the Missing Middle

Kevin-Wohlever-266x400Over at the Ohio Supercomputer Center, Kevin Wohlever writes that OSC’s new AweSim initiative has a mission to provide Ohio’s small and mid-sized manufacturers with the tools they need to leverage simulation-driven design.


We decided to name our effort “AweSim” because a sense of awe is one of the emotions that often accompany the “Aha! moment,” a specific point in time when a student, professor, researcher, inventor or engineer unlocks the key to a challenging question or situation. Sim, short for simulation, is the means by which OSC helps clients achieve those inspirational moments of awe. This effort is one more way that OSC has provided new and innovative ways to support the evolving needs of academic researchers and industrial partners. It complements our web-based toolkit, OSC OnDemand, as another way to remove barriers for clients using high performance computing systems.

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