New XSEDE Tools to Aid Campus Cluster Administrators

This week XSEDE announced a new set of software resources designed to allow campus system administrators to install current open-source XSEDE cluster software on their local campus or lab cluster.

The new software tools make everything easier: moving data, submitting jobs, sharing and collaborating, and learning and remembering the commands. The software tools are especially helpful for teachers, who can use existing materials and adapt and share them as needed, rather than inventing everything from scratch,” said Rich Knepper, manager of Campus Bridging and Research Infrastructure at IU and XSEDE’s campus bridging deputy manager.

XSEDE’s new tools are called the Basic XSEDE-Compatible Cluster Software Stack. The idea is that a command that works on an XSEDE cluster will work in a similar way—at least for the open-source software components of a cluster — on a local cluster set up with basic XSEDE-compatible capabilities. With the XSEDE cluster software stack, researchers and students need only learn a command once because that same command works in several places.

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