Seeking Applications for Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships

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The NSF’s Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship Program is seeking graduate students from across the country to immerse themselves in a year of focused HPC research. Fellowships will empower these talented graduate students to advance their HPC knowledge while also providing them with time and support to accelerate their research.

Fellowship recipients will receive a stipend of $38,000 for the one year of the fellowship. They will also receive up to a $12,000 tuition allowance. During the fellowship year, the fellow’s academic institution is asked to exempt the recipient of any other tuition and fee charges normally charged to students of comparable academic standing. Recipients will receive travel funds to attend a Blue Waters symposium and may also receive funding to present a paper at another scientific meeting. The fellowship provides up to 100,000 node-hours on the Blue Waters system to support the fellow’s research.

Applications are due Feb 3, 2014. Read the Full Story.