Over at the Cray Blog, Jason Beech-Brandt writes that the European CRESTA project is focusing on six applications with exascale potential.
Co-design is at the project’s core — real application requirements driving systemware developments and research, which then feed back into the applications in an ongoing, virtuous cycle. Selected by CRESTA HPC center partners (EPCC (formally known as Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre), HLRS, ECMWF, CSC Finland, PDC-KTH and DLR), the applications represent a broad range of domains including CFD, numerical weather prediction, biomolecular systems, fusion energy, and physiological flows. The CRESTA work then includes using new programming models (such as PGAS languages and OpenACC) and improved libraries (such as FFTs and sparse matrix operations), as well as introducing fault tolerance in the applications and, under the hood, in the communication libraries. Improved compilers, workflow, and diagnostic tools (for example, DDT and Vampir from partners Allinea and TU Dresden) allow the application developers to identify and remove the bottlenecks and span the huge performance gap between petascale and exascale.
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