EPSRC Fires Up Archer Supercomputer

imagesThis week the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) announced that their new ARCHER supercomputer is already making an impact with users across the UK. Users of the new Cray XC30 machine have reported codes running up to three times faster than previously on HECToR.

The new ARCHER supercomputer, managed by EPSRC and operated by EPCC at the University of Edinbugh, is a 72,192 core Cray XC30 system. Although the overall software environment should be familiar to existing users of the HECToR Cray XE6 system, there are several important differences between ARCHER and HECToR. For example, ARCHER uses 12-core 2.7GHz Intel E5-2697 v2 (Ivy Bridge) series processors as opposed to HECToR’s 16-core 2.3GHz AMD Opteron (Interlagos) processors. The network is the new Cray Aries interconnect, and ARCHER now supports the Intel compiler suite.

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